It’s been a long time coming but my new home for both my writing and my art is finally here!! Welcome to Writings by Christy Waites and the new home of The FantaSim Arts.
If you’ve arrived from a writing group, or met me at an event or from a website, or found me some other way, please find links to my short stories, short screenplays, excerpts from feature screenplays, the current interactive narrative game, and the updated version of the fantasy novel on Pages. As I have more to share, the links will grow, so continue to drop by.
If you’ve come here looking for The FantaSim Arts, a collection of free downloads of my digital art that includes a small shop with exclusive items that you can buy, give me a little time to move those pages from the old home to this new one.
All and all, please enjoy yourself. I appreciate any and all comments and suggestions. If you need to contact me quickly, complete a Comment Form. I check my email several times daily.
Until later…
Christy Waites